Batteries for trucks
The automotive industry uses energy storage – batteries. They are installed on domestic and imported cars and trucks. Today, batteries are produced by different manufacturers, but they all have a classic structure and principle of operation.
Special characteristics of batteries of different brands: reliability high starting currents electrical capacity low sensitivity to voltage drops standard dimensions.
Cargo batteries are characterized by: increased operational life reliable design vibration resistance ability to work reliably in severe operating conditions.
Presented brands by battery

Tires for trucks and passenger cars
If a passenger car's tire requirements are based on driving comfort, speed characteristics and pronounced seasonality, then truck tires, first of all, must have high load capacity, strength, durability, wear resistance, the ability to roll normally on roads with uneven pavement or without it at all.
The main load during the deformation of the tire is experienced by the elements of the cord. In tires intended for installation on passenger cars, the cord is made in most cases of polymer threads, has low weight and high plasticity. In truck tires, weight does not play a special role, so the cord is made of steel wire. Steel has greater strength, although it is more difficult to deform, so driving a truck is much less comfortable.
In this case, we use rubber with high: durability strength load capacity wear resistance.
Brand tires for trucks and cars

Oils and auto chemicals
In the chain of stores of LLC "Technotorg" you will find a wide range of oils and auto chemicals: from professional means for washing the engine, to special antifreeze solutions that will not freeze in the hottest winter. Moreover, experts will competently help you choose a product that is suitable for your equipment, we will deliver it instantly and advise you how to use it in the future.
List and range of products: Anticores Antifreeze Hydraulic fluids and oils Quick start fluids Washer fluid Adhesives and sealants Motor oils Auto chemistry kits Additives and additives Flushes and cleaners Flushing oils Impregnation of air filters Lubricants Special oils Hand cleaning products Brake fluids
Presented brands for oils and car chemicals